Our website will be launching soon!

who we are

hang tight,

At Rest & Revival, we're more than just a lifestyle brand. We are a community of passionate women dedicated to curating collections sourced from retail, resale, and liquidation, as well as product insights, culinary creativity, style curation, and much more. What makes us unique is our distinctive approach. We may be a faceless brand, but we're 'Run by Many Hearts.' Our core purpose is rooted in the unwavering commitment of the remarkable women we 'Elevate,' many of whom are on a journey towards stability from challenging homeless and transitional housing situations.

Our story, our brand,
our intent.

We believe in designing a beautiful life where our homes and environments serve as havens of rest and revival. 

In addition, through the revitalization of products via resale and liquidation, we not only reduce our environmental impact but also provide affordable shopping solutions to our surrounding communities.